19 June 2024


Some of you will remember writing to prompts at Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads, which is now an archive with some wonderful material to browse through. Kerry O'Connor and Marian Kent were the admins, and a group of 20 poets wrote closely together for several wonderful years.

Those were heady days, when we were all writing with such energy. I have borrowed a prompt from that site that was so much fun for us to write to. The idea was to choose an old fairy tale and re-write it to make it your own. 

Give it a better or worse ending, switch it up, or make up a new one. The prompt is wide open. Have fun with it. I look forward to reading some greatly altered un-fairy tales. Smiles.

[Title: Into the Woods
Magazine: Vogue US September 2009
Model: Natalia Vodianova
Photographers: Mert Alas & Marcus Piggot]

Link your poem, and remember to check back for those who link later in the week. We don't want to miss a single fairy tale!


  1. Thank you for the magical prompt! Jae

  2. Good morning, fellow poets! I hope you have fun with this prompt. The sky's the limit!! I'm looking forward to your poems.

  3. A grand prompt Sherry but challenging too. I came up with a little poem. Now I am looking forward to reading others.

    1. I loved your response, Sumana! I never would have thought of it, and as I read, I knew it is just perfect.

  4. Funny to feel uninspired. Disappointing myself. But I posted a little something.

    1. It might be a hard prompt for some. Glad you posted!

  5. I'm a bit pressed for time today, so I found an old haiku, keeping it short and sweet.

  6. This looked fun, so my muse decided to play along. Thanks for the prompt Sherry. Truedessa

    1. I was hoping folks would have fun with it. Yay!

  7. Annell--A new thought for me that the Stepmother could be an aging and rejected princess . . . .

  8. Thank you for a great prompt, Sherry, and I was even able to combine it in a way with Susan's prompt last week (that I missed). 😉

    1. I'm looking forward to reading it, Dora, when you link it. I looked on your site but didnt see it posted yet. Smiles.

    2. Sorry about that! I thought I'd linked it but I must have dreamt it!

    3. So glad you linked it, Dora. I enjoyed it so much.

  9. I went a totally different direction than I expected, but the muse goes where she goes! Thanks, Sherry this is a fun one.

    1. I love where it took you! Thanks, Jennifer! I hoped it would be fun for people.

  10. Once Upon A Time - Where All Fairy Tales start ! Thank you.

  11. Oh , this was quite a week and how delightFULL to arrive here to this magical prompt.. I've dashed off a little something and looking forward to returning to read!!! and comment on you all!

  12. Replies
    1. Woweeeeee what a wealth of fabulous tales.. I just finished each one and commented... A bounty of riches a treasure trove of delight that has me abashed at my quite humble attempt... Bravo to you all!!!

    2. Yours was a fabulous tale too, Pearl. An eager entry into life. Smiles.

  13. Thanks, everyone, for the entertaining and imaginative response to this prompt. Lovely and wonder-full poems!
