26 June 2024




Good day, Friends!  First of all, above, I want to share with you above an 'oldie but goodie' piece of music:  "Looking Out My Backdoor." Such a happy song, isn't it?  It is the only video I could find of the original Creedence Clearwater Revival singing the song which was popular decades ago in in 1970. The song was composed by John Fogerty.  His brother Tom, part of the original group, died of AIDS in 1990.  

Anyway, this week I would like you to consider the DOORS in your life, doors that you have experienced, doors you dream about. Front doors.  Back doors.  Car doors.  And any other doors that come to your mind.  Write a poem that includes a door!  Simple as that!

Here are a few ideas, but don't be limited by them:

1. "The Door Ajar" -- write about a door that's slightly open, inviting you to explore what's on the other side of the door.

2.  "Behind Closed Doors" - - self-explanatory

3.  "The Door of Memory" -- Write a poem about a door that leads to a memory or moment from your past.

4.  "The Threshold" - - Describe the feeling of standing on the threshold of a new chapter in your life.

5.  "The Door of Opportunity" - - Write about a door that represents a chance for growth, change, or success.

6.  "The Door of Good-bye" -- Explore the emotions and memories that come with closing a door on a chapter in your life.

7.  "The Door of Wonder" --  Imagine a door that leads to aplace of awe and curiosity, and let us know what you find.

8.  "The Door of Freedom" --Write about a door that represents liberation, independence, and the power to choose one's own path.

Here is a 2005 version (made 35 years after the first video above) of "Looking Out My Backdoor" sung by John Fogerty (just for fun and for comparison) who is still touring today at age 78.  In fact, he will be visiting my city this summer.  I don't know about you, but sometimes I get very nostalgic when I listen to the old music and see these old videos.  

Please link your one poem below, and after you have linked, please visit other poets' work as well.  The Mr. Linky will close on Sunday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.  Enjoy.