19 June 2024


Some of you will remember writing to prompts at Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads, which is now an archive with some wonderful material to browse through. Kerry O'Connor and Marian Kent were the admins, and a group of 20 poets wrote closely together for several wonderful years.

Those were heady days, when we were all writing with such energy. I have borrowed a prompt from that site that was so much fun for us to write to. The idea was to choose an old fairy tale and re-write it to make it your own. 

Give it a better or worse ending, switch it up, or make up a new one. The prompt is wide open. Have fun with it. I look forward to reading some greatly altered un-fairy tales. Smiles.

[Title: Into the Woods
Magazine: Vogue US September 2009
Model: Natalia Vodianova
Photographers: Mert Alas & Marcus Piggot]

Link your poem, and remember to check back for those who link later in the week. We don't want to miss a single fairy tale!