07 February 2024



Your prompt today is: SAFE.  Yes, that's the word.  Think about the word in any way that you wish.  You might write about a safe like the one above, somewhere that valuables are stored. Or a bank safe.  Have you ever experienced not being able to get into a safe?  I have.  It is a horrible feeling.

More likely, however, you might choose to write about a place you feel safe (your home, a particular place in your community, a particular city, etc.) or a situation in which you have a sense of safety.  Or do some time travel, and think back to a time in your life when you felt very safe.  

You can also choose to write about  the opposite of safe.  Write about a time when you felt unsafe?  An unsafe place.  A situation that was unsafe.  A person with whom you have felt unsafe.  Or about how unsafe things often seem in general today.

Please link one poem that is your response to the material of this prompt.  When you link your poem, please visit other links, in the spirit of community.

Prompts will be posted Wednesday at 11 A.M. Eastern Time, and will close Sunday night at 8 P.M. Eastern time.

While you think about what to write about, here is a video of Capital Cities - "Safe and Sound," which I quite like.  Enjoy!