20 December 2023

Happy New Year!



“Come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.”—William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor

As another year is right round the corner, we are ready to ring out the old and ring in the new one.


For me it’s a time for contemplation too; looking back and ahead; awaiting the wonder and the unexpected; the bright spots and the dark corners; delight for the new vista in time and a tinge of sadness for the time lost forever.


Are you reflective too? Do you also pause and be mindful of what was? Or would you prefer to think of what is coming tomorrow and step into new beginnings? Do you have your resolutions for the new year? How does 2024 inspire you as it gathers itself for flight?


Yosa Buson (1716—1783), the renowned Japanese poet and painter of the Edo period writes : 

The old calendar

fills me with gratitude

like a song.

A couple of poems for your inspiration :

Ode to the First Day of the year by Pablo Neruda

Burning the Old by Naomi Shihab Nye

Please link one poem that is your response to the material of this prompt. When you link your poem please visit other links in the spirit of the community