14 August 2024



I am so looking forward to the poems from this prompt. You know how much I love animals. This week, tell me about your dogs and cats (or other creatures you admire.)

  •   Is there one special animal who stands out in your lifetime as remarkable?
  •   You might explore the qualities and attributes of dogs, of cats, and why you are a cat    person or a dog person.
  •   If you have never lived with a dog or a cat, have you ever met one who stands out in      memory?
  •   Or is there a wild animal you feel especially drawn towards, whether as a species, or    perhaps one you have encountered?
  •   Paint us a character portrait of your fur companion or spirit animal, so we get a sense    of who they are.
  •   Or you might address the topic of the many homeless animals waiting for forever          families in shelters or, worse, living on the streets.
This week, let's rain cat and dog poems onto the page, and celebrate each other's furry familiars.

For inspiration:


What do you say, Percy? I am thinking
of sitting out on the sand to watch
the moon rise. It's full tonight.
So we go

and the moon rises, so beautiful it
makes me shudder, makes me think about
time and space, makes me take
measure of myself: one iota
pondering heaven. Thus we sit, myself

thinking how grateful I am for the moon's
perfect beauty and also, oh! How rich
it is to love the world. Percy, meanwhile,
leans up against me and gazes up into
my face. As though I were just as wonderful
as the perfect moon.

~by Mary Oliver


He puts his cheek against mine
and makes small, expressive sounds.
And when I'm awake, or awake enough

he turns upside down, his four paws
    in the air
and his eyes dark and fervent.

"Tell me you love me," he says.

"Tell me again."

Could there be a sweeter arrangement? Over and over
he gets to ask.
I get to tell.

~by Mary Oliver


Please link one poem that is your response to the material of this prompt.  When you link your poem, please visit other links, in the spirit of community. I am so looking forward to meeting some lovely creatures.
