01 May 2024



I am sure the majority of you are familiar with the Simon and Garfunkel version of "Sound of Silence."  I decided instead to share the Pentonix version of the song, a version I like very much.  I thought it fit with today's theme, and it is a beautiful song!  I enjoy a lot of Pentonix music.  If you have never heard their version of "Hallelujah,"  look for it as well.

I don't know how the rest of you feel about silence, but I am a person who finds silence refreshing.  I used to have the television (news mostly) on most of the time when I was at home, as a backdrop to my life.  At the present time, with all that is happening in the world, I watch the news only an hour or so a day.  Of course, I also get news via my smartphone (various aps), so I do keep up that way.  But I am also trying to limit this as well for my well being.  Most often now my backdrop is silence.

All this to introduce our topic for this week:  Silence.  What comes to mind when you consider the word?  Where do you experience silence that is pleasant?  Is silence ever unpleasant?  Describe a silent place.  Those are just a few suggestions, but the topic is wide open to you if it it includes the concept of silence!

A few poems for you to read if you want further inspiration:

Silence by Billy Collins

The Death of Silence by Robin Ekiss

The Snow Arrives after a Long Silence by Nancy Willard

Silent Music by Floyd Skloot

The prompt will be open until Sunday at 8:00 P.M.  After you have written your poem, link it below. And please mention "What's Going On?" as well.  It is always nice if you talk to us in the comments as well.  Also, please visit the links of other poets who post as well.  And come back periodically throughout the week to visit the poems of others who have posted.