01 May 2024



I am sure the majority of you are familiar with the Simon and Garfunkel version of "Sound of Silence."  I decided instead to share the Pentonix version of the song, a version I like very much.  I thought it fit with today's theme, and it is a beautiful song!  I enjoy a lot of Pentonix music.  If you have never heard their version of "Hallelujah,"  look for it as well.

I don't know how the rest of you feel about silence, but I am a person who finds silence refreshing.  I used to have the television (news mostly) on most of the time when I was at home, as a backdrop to my life.  At the present time, with all that is happening in the world, I watch the news only an hour or so a day.  Of course, I also get news via my smartphone (various aps), so I do keep up that way.  But I am also trying to limit this as well for my well being.  Most often now my backdrop is silence.

All this to introduce our topic for this week:  Silence.  What comes to mind when you consider the word?  Where do you experience silence that is pleasant?  Is silence ever unpleasant?  Describe a silent place.  Those are just a few suggestions, but the topic is wide open to you if it it includes the concept of silence!

A few poems for you to read if you want further inspiration:

Silence by Billy Collins

The Death of Silence by Robin Ekiss

The Snow Arrives after a Long Silence by Nancy Willard

Silent Music by Floyd Skloot

The prompt will be open until Sunday at 8:00 P.M.  After you have written your poem, link it below. And please mention "What's Going On?" as well.  It is always nice if you talk to us in the comments as well.  Also, please visit the links of other poets who post as well.  And come back periodically throughout the week to visit the poems of others who have posted.


  1. Good morning, Friends! I hope this prompt today will be evocative enough to inspire you to write/ share some poetry with us this week. Don't be silent! Smiles. Share your poetic words

  2. I love the prompt, Mary. These days, I live mostly in silence - peacefulness, reflection, stillness. So the prompt really resonates. I love the video. Pentatonix is a fave of mine, and the song is a favourite too. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Living in silence sounds good. I find myself wondering if ten years ago people appreciated silence as much. I think not. Seems with all of the noise/rancor/hostility in the world today, people have COME to appreciate silence more. Glad you are another Pentonix fan too!

  3. Love the prompt....Thanks !...could write endless poems about the beauty of silence but chose to write a political onel Good to keep the tv off and just watch the news....I watch it for half an hour per day...in our household we say it's time for the bad news ! LIke the Pentatonix too ! Rall

    1. Yes, good (for one's mental health) to watch the (bad) news in small doses! I appreciated your poem, after doing a bit of googling! Smiles. Glad you like the Pentonix too...I enjoy their versions of so many well known songs!

  4. A wonderful subject and I love the video. It starts out sounding very churchy and then gathers power from there. Marvelous. And I love her dress, I want it!

    1. PS--the example poems are great choices.

    2. Yes, I like the way the video builds too.....I could listen to it over and over! (Ha ha - I don't know about the dress.). Glad you enjoyed the poems as well! And speaking of poems, yours was a real powerhouse!

  5. We get to read some really good poems out of this wonderful prompt Mary. All the selected poems were wonderful. I specially enjoyed Billy Collins.

    1. Thank you, Sumana. So glad you enjoyed the selected poems!

  6. Mary,
    A wonderful prompt topic. I enjoy this kind of exploration and eventually finding some new words to share.
    I'll visit those who find me, to read and comment...

    1. Glad you enjoyed this exploration, Eileen. Your poem was a fine one and made me think. So glad to see you here again!

  7. Really lovely prompt and so much you can do with it - Great to play with images and pictures. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for taking part, Alan. I enjoyed your poem!

  8. Hi Mary, love the prompt, I am just seeing it as I haven't been feeling well this week. I will try to see where silence takes me in the land of nod. Truedessa

    1. Hi Truedessa. I hope you are feeling better and will look forward to what you share!

  9. Dora,
    I was unable to leave my comment at your poetry site. Hopefully you'll find it here.
    Dora, I commend you for your strength of character which you gave to compose this amazing poem. It is an emotional journey associated with personal loss. You have included so much detail about the stages of making that journey. Setting out the poem in this very different bop style, only adds to the magnificence of your finished piece. Silence does indeed have many winsome hues....Thank you for sharing this outstanding poem and for visiting my poem. Very much appreciated:)
    Eileen T O'Neill

    1. Eileen, I wrote a note in Dora's blog telling her you tried to respond there but couldn't & that she should check our page here for your response

    2. Mary,
      Thank you for your help with this matter...

    3. Dear Eileen,
      I'm so sorry that WP is being more than ordinarily cranky and appreciate your taking the additional time to comment here (thanks, sweet Mary, for alerting me!) Thank you so much for your exceedingly generous comments, Eileen, which mean more than you can know. Poetry is a kind of release, a way to explore what we know, can and cannot know, an " emotional journey" exactly as you say. I marvel that it has allowed me to meet you and others like you who give each other a safe community to share. So grateful for it and to you for your kind comments and for my enjoyment of your own poetry!! ((Hugs)) ~ Dora

  10. This is a great prompt, Mary! I need some silence, like coffee, on the daily, in order to do life right.

    1. So glad to see you, Jennifer!! Silence is an important part of MY day too.
