24 April 2024

In Celebration of Poetry Month - an Open Link

Continuing the theme of April being National Poetry Month that Susan introduced so beautifully last week, I thought today you might enjoy an open link, so you may link any one of your poems that you choose, from any month or year.

Some of you may be observing the poem a day challenge. If so, hats off to you, as we approach the end of the month! 

This month is all about celebrating poetry. Love of poetry, the words dancing around in our heads, is what keeps us coming back to the keyboard (or picking up our pen!) It leads us a merry dance through the years, and leaves a trail of poems that chart our journey.

This week, it will be interesting to read your poem of choice, from any time, on any topic. I look forward to following the links to the poetic gifts you bring.

Please visit your fellow poets and try to check back for those who link later in the week.

Happy Poetry Month!



  1. Good morning, poets! Once again we gather to share our love of poetry, this dance we do with the world. Wishing you a lovely day.

  2. Oh Sherry, I listened to you : "so you may link any one of your poems that you choose, from any month or year." I have linked an old poem of mine. Smiles. I'll be hitting the road again; so I'll take a little bit time to visit others. Happy writing everyone!

    1. Safe travels, Sumana. I really enjoyed your poem!

  3. Good morning, Sherry! Thanks for the wide open prompt. I thought a poem of mine on Van Gogh's famous "Window in the Studio" might do. The window depicted was in a room set aside for him in the asylum he stayed at in the latter days of his life. Looking forward to reading everyone's choices!

    1. A wonderful poem, and an interesting painting, which I had not encountered before.

  4. Hi Sherry! I shared a poem that I wrote early in the pandemic.....but I think it is still relevant to me today! Looking forward to seeing what everyone contributes this week!

  5. Your poem took me back to pandemic days - who would have thought, back then, we'd have even more to worry about today? It is definitely still relevant.

  6. Hi Sherry, and everyone. I have linked one from a few days ago, so comment moderation is on, FYI.

    1. I figured that out after I sent the second comment. LOL. Happy you are here.

  7. I am bussing to my sister's farm this afternoon for a week, so will catch up to any linkers this evening on my tablet. Keep 'em coming, I am loving it!

    1. Safe travels, Sherry! I have enjoyed what I have read so far too.

    2. And I am back at my Mom's house, visiting her in the hospital. This is such a lovely prompt, I hope to fully participate in the next few days.

    3. Hope your mom feels better, Susan. Take good care.

  8. I dug in my vault of poems and pulled one out.

  9. Jae, Jae, I only dream I could comment on your post! But I'm glad the teeth are still intact!

  10. I just have to share that the orphaned whale calf who has been trapped in the lagoon where her mother died, encouraged by First Nations feeding her seal meat closer to the exit, EXITRD THE LAGOON overnight. I can hardly believe it. They are looking for her hoping to assist her to reunite wiyh her pod, but the hardest part is over. She is swimming free.

  11. Thank you to all who linked. Yay for poets and poetry. The world needs poems!
