15 May 2024

An Historical Moment

Seize the Moment

& Describe the scene!

Description so we can imagine, description made up of images--this is the challenge this week.  Chose a big moment or a small moment in history, and focus on the specific event rather than on an individual person or on a general idea. Take us there.  Examples: a specific ball game, birthday party, parade, battle, protest, explosion, stock market crash, harvest . . . also see the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Song above and Guernica below!  (Suggestion: First brainstorm a list of events you know intimately or events you want to research, and only then choose.)


Guernica by Pablo Picasso 1937


Example poems:

Ballad of Birmingham


Link one poem that is your response to this prompt.

After you link your poem, please visit other linked poems.

And please include this link in your post.



  1. Wonderful and challenging prompt, Susan. I struggled a bit at first then cricket saved me. I really enjoyed writing it. Now I am eagerly waiting for other responses.

    1. I think it is a very hard prompt. It was hard for me! Thank you for your inciteful poem.

  2. Thanks for the prompt, Susan. I am enjoying reading the responses and learning things I didn't know.

    1. Yes, poets are opening doors we haven't been through before. Pretty cool!

  3. Susan you are cruel indeed, forcing me to write something topical. I will see what I can do.

    1. I know you'll come through and even surprise us!

  4. Susan,
    My experience is based on a true and lived experience back in June 1981.
    It is a date I will never fully forget.
    Thank you to those who visit my linked poem. I shall reciprocate throughout the week.

    1. Wow, Eileen! Thank you for writing this piece!

  5. An old poem from me, which is about my daughter's wedding. On 30th May it will be their eighth anniversary.

  6. Jae Rose, Thank you for your poem, noting the interaction between the book character and her life beyond the book. I wish I could comment on your page!

    1. Thank you Susan - much appreciated - Jae

  7. Under the umbrella of “what’s going on” — I see no event bigger than our upcoming election here in this country Susan. I truly believe it will define what happens to this concept we called democracy. I consider democracy a wonderful dream, powerful vision, but it is really threatened by the stupidity and shortsightedness that I see in this country right now. I’m sharing a piece I wrote early last year. I am seizing the moment and I am describing in depth what I perceive the scene to be. if you don’t feel it appropriate to be read here, Susan feel free to just erase the link, but I think the root essence I see no event bigger than our upcoming election here in this country Susan. I truly believe it will define what happens to this concept we called democracy. I consider democracy a wonderful dream, powerful vision, but it is really threatened by the stupidity and shortsightedness that I see in this country right now. I’m sharing a piece I wrote early last year. I am seizing the moment and I am describing in depth what I perceive the scene to be. if you don’t feel it appropriate to be read here, Susan feel free to just erase the link, but I think the root essence of this needs to be repeated more than once, before this historically critical election takes place. of what I address here needs to be repeated more than once, before this historically critical election takes place. Does America need to change — yes! But the need is to improve, not regress. There is a stirring in the “insane-right” to have American history reimagined and rewritten to reflect their fascist isolationist agenda — and ban the books that present the truth, uncomfortable and unfortunate though it might be. Anyway, the weather certainly is nice right noe here in the Pacific Northwest of America.

    1. I read the current threat to our country's democracy much as you do, and I felt the urgency of your poem. Thanks for bringing it here.

  8. Thank you for the prompt and to all those who visited and kindly left a comment - Jae

  9. I'm not sure if I hit the mark in my response to this prompt but I had fun with it. Thanks for the inspiration. Suzanne - Wordpress blog 'Wayfaring'.

    1. You certainly brought us there! A small historical moment, but a meaningful one. And fun.

  10. Thank you for this - it brought back memories and was most enlightening

    1. What a great choice for this prompt!

  11. Wrote about an unforgettable moment when we saw tragedy unfold before our eyes, millions of us in front of our TV sets. Great prompt, Susan.

    1. Dora,
      I'm leaving my response to your linked poem here..

      That was such a horrifying occurrence, while being watched across the world on television. So sad to know of the lives lost in that terrible moment. A place guaranteed in history, whilst lost to their dear families and friends. A most worthy date for remembrance....

      Eileen T O'Neill

    2. Thank you for your amazing poem!
