10 January 2024


Parent/ Child Relationships 

Cat Stevens - "Father and Son" - You Tube

A very popular singer/songwriter in the 1970's was Cat Stevens.  Some of you may be familiar with "Peace Train," "Moon Shadow, etc. In 1977 he converted to Islam and changed his name to Yusef Islam. In 1979 he dropped out of show business to focus on education and philanthropy within the Muslim community.

The Cat Stevens song I would like you to be inspired by today is "Father & Son" as it explores the relationship between a well meaning parent and a rebellious child.  There is frustration on both sides, but also love.

Think about the song.  In the 1970's, who in the song would you have identified with?  The father or the son?

How about today, being a bit older, who do you identify with?

Perhaps you can write in poetry form a conversation you might have had with your mother or father or other close adult when you were younger.  Perhaps alternating verses.

Perhaps you can write in poetry form a conversation you might have had between yourself and a younger person (child, grandchild, niece, nephew, student).

If you don't want to share personal details, make the conversation hypothetical.

Please link one poem that is your response to the material of this prompt.  When you link your poem, please visit other links, in the spirit of community.

Prompts will be posted Wednesday at 11 A.M. Eastern Time, and will close Sunday night at 8 P.M. Eastern time.


  1. Thank you, Mary, for the inspiration. Conversations between the generations can be complicated. I love the song and am looking forward to reading all the responses to this prompt.

    1. Yes, they can be complicated indeed, Sherry. And I have always enjoyed that song too, still do!

  2. Greetings, Friends! I hope you will enjoy this prompt which explores parent/child relationships. Listen to the Cat Stevens' song, and think about it. Perhaps be inspired to write your own parent/child conversation, either personal or hypothetical. I will be very interested in reading what you come up with! Have fun!

  3. Thank you for the prompt - will be on the trail tomorrow Jae

    1. Good to see you, Jae, and will be glad to see you 'on the trail.'

  4. I really enjoyed writing to this wonderful prompt Mary. The song happens in every parent-child relationship all over the world I guess. Universal. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Sumana, I greatly enjoyed your take on the prompt, plus I learned something! Smiles.

  5. I've been out today exploring the underground streets of Norwich and ;earning more about the city that became my home 32 years ago, so I'm afraid I haven't had time to write a new poem. I've linked up an old one in which I address my unborn grandson, who came into the world almost six years ago. I have several of Cat Stevens' albums and love his songs; Father and Son is one of my favourites.

    1. What fun to find out more about the city that you call home, Kim. Always something new to be learned! Beautiful poem about your grandson - being a connection between three generations. Nice that you are another appreciator of Cat Stevens and especially THIS song!

  6. So my poem is dark. I had a very troubled youth, and only met my father once. My own fatherhood story is one of redemption - wife of 27 years, and four great kids.

    1. Powerful poem, Ollie! I have no doubt that your fatherhood story was / is so much different.

  7. I think we do heal some of our childhood trauma in parenting our own children, Ollie, and doing better than was done for us. So glad you shared your poem.

  8. Ollie for some reason I cannot reply on your posts. Very powerful poem. Your struggle has made you strong...your happy family life, your reward !....Rall

  9. Very interesting prompt. Thank you Mary !

  10. I finally arrived here on Saturday morning. Time is unpredictable when I am visiting my Mom. Creative and generous poets, I'm so happy to be blogging my poems along with yours!

    1. Susan, glad you made it! Indeed, lots of creativity in these poems this time. So much variety!

  11. I sorry for the site that I am only posting now but delighted for myself to be showered by a wealth of such beauty and response to this highly provocative and emotionally laden response. Ollie .. your poem is still shimmering within me... To one and all... hugs and love in this new year unfolding with unknown possiblity .

    1. Pearl, glad you were able to write and share with us, adding to the wonderful variety of writings shared for this weekk's prompt. You were not late at all. Smiles.
