22 January 2024

Magic shoes

Let's try a little fantasy.

Imagine a pair of shoes . . .

. . . that could give you or someone else magical powers, 
and weave them into a poem.

(I started out thinking of folklore's 7-league boots!  
But why limit ourselves?)

  • What would they be capable of?
  • If you could enable them, what powers would you give them?
  • Does anyone you know (or have heard of) already operate as if they had that kind of power?
  • Was there a moment that you felt a pair of shoes actually gave you special (even if secret) powers?


Two poems to inspire--
   though I think poetry could use a little more magic:


Marge's Shoes



  1. Good day, poets! Can't wait to read your shoe poems and how they touch on magic!

  2. Thank you for the magical prompt - Jae

  3. Your beautiful prompt reminded me of the magical childhood I had with all our stories and films and how this magic still continues in our present world, Susan. Thank you again for the Magic Shoes today.

    1. You're welcome. I love that you accompany me on this journey!

  4. I had fun writing to this prompt though my poem went over-long. So much to say about shoes, of which I usually care nothing. But there are stories, lol..........yesterday I wore gumboots to the beach as the waves are big and the tide was high. Two dogs who discovered I carry dog treats in my pocket, stuck their big snouts right in........smiles.

    1. Haha! Dogs nose knows! Check for treasures. I love your poem!

  5. Happy Wednesday everyone. I've been out all day and came back to find your prompt up and waiting, Susan. I have linked up an old poem I wrote for NaPoWriMo in 2018, but I also found a poem I wrote around the same time to a shoe prompt Poets United Midweek Motif. I think it might have been yours, Susan. Would it be OK to link it up again?

    1. Oh, fun. Yes, please do! Link it to here so readers/poets can find us.

    2. Sorry, Kim, your second poem was somehow deleted. I'll look into it! I did read it and comment, however.

  6. Wonderful poems, a step out of contemporary times. I love all the history that is pouring forth!

  7. Ollie I am unable to leave a comment on your blog....Rall

  8. I am late with my entry this week and just wanted to say that I am finding it difficult to log into some of your blogs. I do read all the poems linked and enjoy them all even if I can't leave a comment. Suzanne - Wayfaring blog - Wordpress

    1. Yes, it seems to be harder to comment! I don't know the cause. Thank you for your insightful poem. Not late, not late at all.

  9. Susan,
    Sorry that I am very late to link my poem to this week's prompt link.
    I hope that my love for shoes is suitable for the topic.
    I shall visit the other poems linked here...
    Many thanks to those who visit my contribution :)

    1. You captured a little magic there! I'm glad you made it!
