13 December 2023


Our prompt today is REFLECTION/ LOOKING BACK/AGE.  Yes, you can write about whichever one you choose or tie them all together.

I had a hard time finding a song I wanted to feature with this prompt.  I finally came up with Alan Jackson's song "Remember When" in which he sings about looking back through the years of life.  Very touching song, I think. It gave me ONE idea a person might use for writing to this prompt:   Write a poem in which each stanza begins with "Remember when....."  Just start writing, and see what comes!

REFLECT on the past.  What comes to your mind? What do you see when you LOOK BACK?  Who do you see?  What helps YOU remember the past?

Other related ideas that might work for you: Do you feel your age?  Do you look your age?   When you look back, what was your favorite decade?  Write about why.  Share a memory of that time in poetry. Just go with the flow.

Or think AGE, and see where your mind goes.  Write about it. Do you feel your age?  How do you feel about your age? About aging? What was your favorite age?  Etc.

Please link one poem that is your response to the material of this prompt.  When you link your poem, please visit other links, in the spirit of community, as everyone enjoys having their words read.

Prompts each week will be posted Wednesday at 11 A.M. Eastern Time, and will close Sunday night at 8 P.M. Eastern time.

Looking forward to reading your words!


  1. Hello Poets! This time of the year is always a good time to do some reflecting and looking back. So this is what our prompt will ask you to do today. I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Enjoy!

  2. Hope you will enjoy Alan Jackson's song too. Listening to it makes me a bit nostalgic for all those remembered times!

  3. Thank you for the prompt and to all who visit - Jae

  4. Good afternoon Poets! I'm kind of busy this Wednesday, so I chose to link up an old poem that does combine reflection and age quite neatly. I hope it fits the prompt and it's OK to share an old poem. Earlier this afternoon, I visited Blickling Hall for a Victorian Christmas, with lots of lovely lights and other decorations, and now I feel in a more seasonal mood.

    1. Glad to see you, Kim, despite how busy you are right now. Your poem fits the prompt well. I will have to look up Blickling Hall to find out more about it! But "Victorian Christmas" piques my interest.

  5. This is such a beautiful prompt Mary. I loved writing to it.

  6. Yay! How lovely to find you all here. Great prompt, Mary. I do so much looking back these days. Am so looking forward to reading everyone's poems.

    1. Ah, yes, Sherry, this time of year is often the time to look back....and at certain times of life one is more apt to do it as well!

  7. Sorry Jae Rose ...can't leave comment on your blog. Your advice is right...live and enjoy ife day by day...Rall

  8. Mary,
    A great deal of scope with this week's poetry prompt subjects.
    I decided to stay with a pre-Christmas theme, which was filled with great memories.

    1. It was enjoyable to read your reflections, Eileen.

  9. Oh my goodness! My anniversary was Tuesday ... just got over here now and WOW this prompt hit hard! I'll be back later to read you all and comment... I just let the music play and this is raw ... Whoooo... See you later

  10. Hi everyone... I found you all! How wonderful each and every JAE could not leave a post this week... but certainly agree with the sense that all we have is writing to comfort!

  11. Pearl,
    Such an emotionally impacting poem.
    I commend your bravery in sharing this deeply personal account.

  12. Yes, Pearl, it was a heartbreaker. But I love how a mother's love "keeps shimmering." That it does. Thank you for sharing.
