29 January 2025

In Your Deepest January


Chesterman Beach in snow

This week, poet friends, I would like us to contemplate and share poems based on the phrase: In your deepest January...........

Repeat these words somewhere in your poem. (It could also be In My Deepest January.)

Recently, in Tofino, 19 local poets each contributed a verse or two to a community poem on the topic of "In your deepest November."  It resulted in an amazing collaboration, which was read at our annual December poetry evening in a local gallery. We thought it might make for an interesting prompt, to see what comes forth.

So, friends, in your deepest January, how was life for you? Did anything happen that impacted you? Did nothing happening bring relief, gratitude, peace? What was the weather like where you live? Any sorrows, any joys?

Whatever these words bring forth in you, please share them. I can't wait to see what you come up with. 

Link your poem and do visit the poems of others. I am so looking forward to reading about your deepest January, when we are in the very thick of winter, and spring is still a ways off.

Wickaninnish in Blue


  1. Good morning, poet friends. January is tiptoing out the door. I look forward to reading your poems! Thanks for being here every week. We couldn't do this without you! Smiles.

  2. A great prompt Sherry. Really enjoyed writing my lines today. Sumana

    1. I very much enjoyed your poem. For a moment, I was there, where the rivers join.

  3. Thank you Sherry - I will be back in the morning to read - Jae

    1. Every line is stellar, Jae. I love your poem and outlook on life.

    2. Thank you for the lovely comments Susan

  4. Thanks for the prompt, Sherry. I am enjoying reading all of the poems shared so far & learning all of the ways that January is a "deep' month! Your picture of Chesterman Beach is beautiful!

    1. It is a deep month indeed. We didn't get any snow so far this year. But when we do, the beach is so lovely. This past week, we had frost and sun. But now the rains will come.

  5. I took a slight liberty with the phrase, and explained why on site. I hope that this will be all right.

    1. Certainly it will. We are always happy when you write and link your fabulous poems.

  6. Trying to pull something together as January has been harsh.

    1. It definitely has, True . So disheartening, it is even hard to find the words.

  7. Hi Sherry ~ and all :) I went high fantasy symbolic with my poem. Actually, the images popped into my mind when I woke up in the wee hours this morning, ha.

  8. ...and was remembering a past January!

  9. Thanks for this prompt, Sherry. It's so apt for my January reflection on the 2 decades that passed since we lost James, a desaparecido.

    1. Bing, it is so lovely to see you here. When we first met in 2010, that had recently happened to your family and I have watched your kids grow up through the years . They are all doing so well. Thank you for sharing your poem with us. It means so much to us.

  10. Thank you Sherry for the inspiration!

    1. "January relishes the cold caress of winter. " Love this! And the colors and the sense of humor.

    2. Susie, I am having trouble posting on you site but, I wanted to let you know I stopped over to read. I love the verse with colorful birds.
