09 October 2024


 Dana Lyons can be found here.

The first time I heard this song, Dana Lyons was singing it at the Peace Camp in the Summer of '93. Hippies dancing in a clearcut under a big round Grandmother Moon, and a 15 minute group hug and "OOOOMMMMMMMMM!" at the end. Smiles.

That summer, local Indigenous people, settlers, and then, as news of the blockades went international, people from all over the world came to join us to prevent the clearcutting of the ancient forests of Clayoquot Sound. The Friends of Clayoquot Sound oversaw the movement, and ran the Peace Camp, in what, at the time, became the single biggest incidence of civil disobedience in Canada.

In the end, after 932 arrests, with 856 charged, the logging company withdrew, the forests were not logged, and the area was declared a biosphere reserve. (We are losing too many trees now to development, and have been working for years towards a tree protection bylaw. But that is another story.)

Some of the most passionate hours and days of my life were spent standing on the road for the trees, watching the big trucks roll in, and the police carrying arrestees, one after the other, to police vans to cries and cheers and full-hearted songs of blockaders.

So, this song means a great deal to me. I tear up when I hear "a time when all the creatures shared the earth." I love the "magic" of hearing the tree speaking, feeling the love. 

I heard it again in late September when Dana gave us a free concert on the village green here in Tofino. I reminded him of that night at the Peace Camp - what a memory, glowing forever in my heart. As is this latest concert.

What feels magical to you? The way children turn into sprites in the forest? The way fog wisps among the trees? Have you had an encounter with a being from the animal or bird world? Has there been a time when the wild spoke to you?

There is so much beauty and magic everywhere, when we look around.

Feel free to write whatever feelings or thoughts arise in you on hearing this song

Have fun! Link your response and please visit others in the spirit of community. 


  1. Thank you for the magical prompt Sherry - Jae

    1. Thanks for your lovely poem, Jae.

    2. "That help us drift away and dream . . . " A beautiful poem, Jae!

  2. Good morning, poets! I hope today has some magical moments for you, as the leaves turn into their beautiful fall colours and take our breath away. I'm looking forward to reading your offerings.

  3. I apologize for the small font. I tried to enlarge it but it is not cooperating. Sigh.

    1. The font is not bad really, Sherry. Not really hard to read. Also, if anyone with a Mac wants to increase the size of the font, they can easily do it with their touch pad. I am sure that those with PC's have a way to make the font bigger as well.

  4. I love this prompt, Sherry! It got three poems out of me! I kept 2. Looking forward to a feast of reading.

    1. That was me, Sherry. I have to enter my name every time, and occasionally I forget.

    2. Yay! I'm so glad it sparked your poems, Susan. And I love them!

  5. Hi Sherry, Your prompt, so heart-warming, reminded me of a serendipitous moment I had with a crow. Nothing like it has happened again with a wild critter: and it was providential, to say the least. Thank you for reminding me of it again. I needed that. Magic indeed.

    1. I love stories like yours, which show birds and animals have depths most humans dont suspect they have. Thanks for sharing this lovely story.

  6. What a beautiful video you shared, Sherry! Dana Lyons has a wonderful voice, and the lyrics are so inspirational!

    1. This song makes me cry.........some of his songs are humourous, all have an environmental message.

  7. What a great prompt to get me back blogging and attempting to write poetry again - in a weird magical way I wrote the poem I've posted in the middle of last night when I couldn't sleep but before your prompt was up. Suzanne - wordpress blog - Wayfaring

  8. That is magical indeed, we were on the same wavelength. I'm so glad you are blogging again. Yay!

  9. Hi Sherry. I have been lost in baseball land with my Tigers playing a playoff game this afternoon. I will try to write for this tomorrow!

    1. Ha, you are enjoying your own kind of magic. Lovely!

  10. A magical prompt indeed Sherry. I was so busy yesterday that I couldn't visit anyone. Now my day begins with beautiful poems. It's already Thursday today, here in India.

    1. Such a fine way to begin the day, Sumana. I wish you bird visits on your balcony. Smiles.

  11. Sherry,
    Thank you for hosting this week's poetry prompt, Magic.
    I considered the meaning of the word and how often I depend on finding some much needed magic in life, especially when thinking of writing poems!
