04 September 2024


~ Back to School ~


          For most of my life, my year started with school in September.  Whether teacher or student, September was that magical transition from whatever else I was doing into a focus on education. And I loved it.  I looked forward to it each year, sometimes with a little trepidation and an increasing awareness that learning didn't require a school at all.  But maybe you have the opposite experience, where school is increasingly dissatisfying or even horrid?  Or maybe you have had the fortunate experience of being able to ignore the start up of school altogether, and continue learning outside the classroom?

What is your first response to this prompt?  Is it a specific memory?  Trust it!  That's where your poem begins . . .  


I remember
the first day,
how I looked down,
hoping you wouldn't see
and when I glanced up,
I saw your smile
shining like a soft light
from deep inside you.

“I'm listening,” you encourage us.
“Come on!
Join our conversation,
let us hear your neon certainties,
thorny doubts, tangled angers,”
but for weeks I hid inside.

I read and reread your notes
my writing,
and you whispered,
“We need you
and your stories
and questions
that like a fresh path
will take us to new vistas.”

Slowly, your faith grew
into my courage
and for you—
instead of handing you
a note or apple or flowers—
I raised my hand.

I carry your smile
and faith inside like I carry
my dog's face,
my sister's laugh,
creamy melodies,
the softness of sunrise,
steady blessings of stars,
autumn smell of gingerbread,
the security of a sweater on a chilly day.

Pat Mora, "Ode To Teachers" from Dizzy in Your Eyes. Copyright © 2010 by Pat Mora. 


by Walt Whitman
[The following poem was recited personally by th​e author, Walt Whitman, Saturday afternoon, October 31, [1876?] at the​ inauguration of the fine new Cooper Public School, Camden, New Jersey:]
An old man's thought of school;An old man, gathering youthful memories and 
  blooms that youth itself cannot,
Now only do I know you!O fair auroral skies! O morning dew upon the 
And these I see—these sparkling eyes,These stores of mystic meaning—these young lives,Building, equipping, like a fleet of ships—immortal 
Soon to sail out over the measureless seas,On the Soul's voyage.
Only a lot of boys and girls?Only the tiresome spelling, writing, ciphering classes?Only a public school?Ah! more—infinitely more;(As George Fox rais'd his warning cry, "Is it this 
  pile of brick and mortar—these dead floors, 
  windows, rails—you call the church?
Why this is not the church at all—the church is 
  living, ever living souls.")
And you, America,Cast you the real reckoning for your present?The lights and shadows of your future—good or evil?This Union multiform, with all its dazzling hopes 
  and terrible fears?
Look deeper, nearer, earlier far—provide ahead— 
  counsel in time;
Not to your verdicts of election days—not to your 
  voters look,
To girlhood, boyhood look—the teacher and the 

Please link one poem that is your response to this prompt.  
After you link your poem, please visit others.

Don't forget to include this link in your post.


  1. Thank you for the prompt Susan - Jae

    1. Your poem brought tears to my eyes. And then, I loved this: "We will make our own school /
      A place where we are valued / We will learn something new every day." And the idea of what school, should be like. Bravo!

  2. Welcome, poets! Already I'm seeing aspects of education from different cultures here this morning. I love it! I hope you enjoy writing to this prompt!

  3. Susan, Pat Mora's poem is WONDERFUL!! I remember how I felt when I had a teacher who loved my writing. This is a very timely prompt, as the young ones walk past with backpacks and purpose, after their hot summer. I am looking forward to all the poems/experiences. Thanks, Susan.

  4. A lovely prompt Susan that took me to my old days. A nice selection of poems too.

  5. The contrast between Whitman's piece and Mora's is the difference between poetry and prose, line breaks notwithstanding. His soars and leaves the reader a bit breathless. Mora's is sweet, a nice memory. Education is one of those topics that I think it will be difficult to write actual poetry about, but it's definitely a worthy subject and Whitman shows that it can be done, and marvelously.

    1. Perceptive readings. I think Mora's captures a transition at least, and I felt it. But Whitman's poem knocked my socks off. Mali's, too, in a different way. I hope you write a poem for this.

  6. Pat Mora's poem is HEART-FILLING.

    "Slowly, your faith grew
    into my courage"


    1. That's the transition! I never felt it, but I saw it occasionally in the classroom. Thrilling.

  7. I would like to encourage anyone who has not watched "Like Lilly Like Wilson" to watch it. It ishort, has a beautiful message! Thanks, Susan, for this!!

    1. Yes, thank you, Mary! Mali has more famous poems about teaching, but this one moved me.

  8. Thanks, Susan, for "Ode to Teachers." Beautiful poem! I had a teacher like that! My sophomore year English teacher!

  9. Interesting poems. The school experience is a very important .I was lucky in that the all girls independent school chosen for me was the right fit. I only found this out by teaching in the state school system for a while. ......Rall

    1. You were lucky, I think. Very good.

  10. I just started my 28th year as a teacher. I'll cycle back with a poem.

    1. Looking forward to it!

    2. Your page won't let me comment, but I love the details of this poem--the cigarette bookmark, the lighting, the moleskin, the lifetime of teaching and learning you've had. So good.

  11. Thank you for the prompt - My "Education" was loosely based on The Beatles and Revolution! Perhaps i leant too much from songs !!

    1. "They" probably tell every generation we learned too much from songs--at least since the media explosion.
